Pro Rata Billing

Pro Rata billing will set the next due date of a service to a day you specify. This is useful when you want all clients to pay you on the same day for a particular service or plan. When a client orders, they will be billed a proportion of the remaining month left in the billing cycle.

Pro Rata billing is only compatible with billing cycles that are between 28 days (2419200 seconds) and 31 days (2678400). We recommend 30 days (2592000 seconds) for a Monthly billing cycle. Any other billing cycles outside this range that you have configured will not be selectable by the user ordering the service.

Configure Plan Settings

Plan Settings
Billing ModeSet to "Pro Rata".
Pro Rata DayThe target day that you want invoices to be due for.
Changing this value will not effect services currently using this plan. It will only effect new services that are ordered.

Order Example

Today is the 30th. The plan's Pro Rata Day setting is "5". So the billing system will bill the user till the 5th. The system would generate a renewal invoice for the full amount after the service has been activated. The service next due date would be the 5th.

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